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"Father's Heart Family"!
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Father's Heart is the designation Dr. Mark Hanby uses for those in a relationship with him and each other. The foundations of this relationship are Generational Order, Confidentiality, Multiplicity of Ministry, and Kingdom Advancement, all in an atmosphere of unconditional love. Connection to Father's Heart is not about joining an organization but discovering the spiritual order that will foster love, destiny, and a greater manifestation of the Father in the earth. The message and work that has come down through the ages isn't new, except in the sense it may be new to us. It is a generational work and the possession of all in Father's Heart; its advancement is our responsibility and our central purpose. Each stream is distinct in message, unique in calling but one in its desire to assemble and advance the entire Body of Christ.